Brown butter cake with whipped cheesecake topping

Brown butter cake with whipped cheesecake topping

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This is a proper tea party cake. You know; tea, coffee, scones and a slice of this brown butter whipped cheesecake topping cake. As much as that name is a mouthful, this cake is also a mouthful. A mouthful of buttery, cakey, creamy deliciousness. Sigh. Okay let’s talk about the brown butter situation. Browning the butter gives it a deep, nutty, caramel aroma that permeates the sponge and turns an ordinary butter cake into something quite special. It longs the process out somewhat but it’s totally worth it as you can really taste the difference. The whipped cheesecake topping is e v e r y t h i n g (omg). It’s super light and airy because you literally mix cream cheese with icing sugar and fold it in to a whole load of stiffly whipped cream. Ugh. Love.


Seriously though, the topping to cake ratio though. Let’s appreciate.


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