Mini Banana Bread Muffins

Mini Banana Bread Muffins


Hi guysssss, I’m back! Well, almost anyway. I’ve finished all my coursework for the year and it was such a traumatising experience. I mean,  when your laptop breaks the DAY before 11,500 words worth of essays is due in, it’s stress, trauma, panic and all the rest of it! I’m not sure how I emerged alive and well out the other side but I did! Yesterday was the first day that I hadn’t spent the WHOLE day in the library in like well over a week and I had serious baking withdrawal symptoms. Naturally before I knew it, the whole house had a faint aroma of bananas and cake. It was comforting. And that’s exactly why you should make these tiny cute adorable mini muffins!

They’re basically a bitesize version of my Quick & Easy banana bread but I couldn’t resist – I feel like my mini muffin tin doesn’t get enough love!

As they’re lightened up with greek yoghurt, whole wheat flour and sunflower oil, you don’t even need to feel bad while eating them – win/win. I realise this is not a ‘healthy’ food blog but seriously, these taste just as good as buttery, fudgy banana bread and as you know, I LOVE baking with greek yoghurt! Personally I don’t tend to eat what I bake because I don’t have that much of a sweet tooth and sugar makes me crash big time, but this recipe is a staple in my daily life, not even going to lie.


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White Chocolate & Raspberry Cheesecake Bars

White Chocolate & Raspberry Cheesecake Bars

DSC00688You know when you buy loads of one thing because you think you have none? And you get home and realise you have tonnes of the stuff already?! That happened to me this week with soft cheese. I ended up with seven tubs of soft cheese from M&S. SEVEN. I quickly realised that it was on me to do something about because I’d bought it all. I didn’t really fancy faffing around for hours on end making a huge cheesecake because I just don’t have the time these days. Cheesecake bars are way easier to distribute and also less ‘formal’, if you know what I mean? I found a simple recipe online and set about trying it, with scepticism because it has nothing in the cheesecake except cream cheese, eggs and sugar! Most cheesecakes require something else, i.e. Crème fraîche or sour cream but this one doesn’t. It’s a US recipe and US cream cheese is very different to british cream cheese let alone M&S own brand ‘soft cheese’, so it’s safe to say I wasn’t really holding my breath with this one. I was even more surprised when it took less than 20 minutes to come together! I recommend making this in the evening as it needs to rest in the fridge over night.


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Coffee Cake

Coffee Cake

DSC00594Easter holidays have become synonymous with family gatherings. I’m not sure about you, but in our family that means one thing: food. Food in the morning, food for elevenses, food for twelveses etc etc. The steady stream of grazing requires a constant supply of something sweet, not something fancy or posh. Just something light and flavourful that goes really nicely with a cup of tea.

Coffee cake. I’m a big fan of simple cakes that don’t need to be decorated with unicorn hair, pure gold, fireworks and tears. If you can get away with making a simple tea cake then I’m 100% on board! This is my go-to recipe for coffee cake – it’s super easy and super tasty!


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