Chocolate Chunk Buttermilk Cake with Whipped Mars Bar Frosting

Chocolate Chunk Buttermilk Cake with Whipped Mars Bar Frosting


Hola everybody! A simple yet indulgent afternoon tea cake for you guys today. This cake is really great for using up leftover buttermilk from that time you went to the supermarket, saw it, adamant to make buttermilk pancakes but oddly never got round to it.. Or maybe when you intended to make the juiciest fried chicken imaginable but simply ordered take out instead, because who really has time to let chicken marinade in buttermilk? Or maybe it was from that time you picked up buttermilk by accident when reaching for the double cream to drown your sorrows in? Either way, by accident or intention, this buttermilk cake is your friend. If you don’t have any spare buttermilk lying around, it’s a pretty good excuse to go and pick some up to be honest.

If you’re sat there wondering what the heck buttermilk even is, then I really urge you to have a look for it in the supermarket! Most places stock it these days but if they don’t, apparently, according to the internet, the same amount of milk with a teaspoon of lemon juice mixed together and sat on the counter for five minutes also works. I have yet to try the faux buttermilk option, but I will update you whenever I do 🙂

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Maple Pecan Granola

Maple Pecan Granola


This week we’re continuing on the breakfast theme, and the banana theme! I’m not a huge cereal person. I was never really in to all the different fancy cereals Nestlé used to come out with every week, rather unlike my brother who tried them ALL. I was always the victim of cereal box toy bullying instead. Which was fine, I mean I turned out fine. Completely fine. *stares blankly to the side* On a side note, has anyone noticed how they’ve actually stopped putting gifts in cereal boxes?! Like, you have to buy like a dozen boxes to get codes and put them in online and request your free toy?! Who has time for that?? Or am I too old and have they never put them in the little plastic wrappers in adult cereal… I don’t know.

Back to the granola. Shop bought granola is laced with unnecessary sugar, preservatives and other nasty things. Like most things, to ensure you know exactly what you’re eating, you have to make it yourself! Luckily, it could not be any easier.


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